👋 Hello, nice to meet you!

The future of entrepreneurship is technology. Our committee consists of some of the smartest, most innovative, and most visionary students at Penn. This is not an exaggeration: our past members have founded startups like ToxiSense which won the grand prize of the Venture Lab Startup Challenge.

🤔 If I get in, what will I do?

Our responsibilities are divided into the following three pillars:

  1. Act as the think tank of the club:
    1. Draft white papers on industries. Take biotech for example: the white paper will highlight the Penn biotech ecosystem, resources available on campus for entrepreneurs interested in the biotech industry, and even covering the overall biotech scene in Philadelphia in general.
  2. Pursue an entrepreneurial project:
    1. The committee will pursue a project (basically a startup). The idea will be chosen during the first two meetings. The project will have some technical component to it.
  3. Do a lot of networking and event planning:
    1. Attend speaker and recruiting events for Technology Committee members only.
    2. Organize the NYC Tech Trek for the club.
    3. Organize the “From Lab to Startup” speaker panel as part of the WUEC Entrepreneurship Conference in late October. Bring together the most innovative professors from across Penn to discuss how they are spinning off startups from their research.


📧 Get in touch with the Co-VPs

Have a Blast at the WUEC Technology Interview